Sunday, 22 June 2014

0 Flirting How To Flirt With Women

Flirting How To Flirt With Women
Most men flirt with women incorrectly. That is because most men do not know how to flirt with women. It can be frustrating trying to pick up women when you do not know how to flirt because everything you seem to try doesn't work. Without knowing the right flirting techniques, it is impossible to pick up attractive women. Flirting is the absolute best way to attract and seduce women. To really learn how to me a master at seducing women with your words, check out my favorite conversational attraction course Conversational Chemistry. Flirting with women is a skill that when used correctly can attract any women. When you flirt incorrectly, you will be surprised at how fast she gives you the cold shoulder. That is why it is important to know how to correctly flirt with women. I am going to show you a few ways so you can increase your flirting and attraction power.THE START OF FLIRTING To learn how to flirt with women, you first have to get inside a woman's mind. Women are attracted to confident men because it makes them feel safe. So to have a woman be attracted to you, you have to be confident. So when you are flirting, be confident and secure in yourself. Make sure everything you say and everything you do is with confidence. Part of being confident is not doing everything the woman asks you to. You have to stand up for yourself and suggest your own ideas or actions. Do not be rude, just be assertive. By showing her that you will not bend to her every whim, you are showing that you are confident and that she cannot push you around. This will help to start the attraction process. This is a big key to knowing how to flirt with women. Learn more flirting techniques by claiming your copy of my free eBook "Secrets Most Men will Never Know About Women".ADD SOME LAUGHTER TO IT A big part of knowing how to flirt with women is adding small jokes and jabs into the conversation. The more jokes and jabs you can make, the better the flirting will go. When you are talking to her, try to add some funny insights into the conversation. They don't have to be hilarious jokes, just anything to keep the mood light and fun. Women love it when guys try to make them laugh. One of the best ways to joke is to joke about yourself and small things about her. Joking about yourself shows you are confident in who you are. Just try not to put yourself down too much or she will start to think you are a bummer. Making little jokes about her can also be a great way to flirt, but you have to be careful. You can only joke about things that are not serious and she will not get offended at. The last thing you want to do is insult her somehow.DON'T COME ON TO STRONG Most men try to lay it on so strong that women get turned off. Flirting is not a sprint, it is more of a marathon. If you start out to strong, you won't make it to the finish line. You can normally spot the guys who are trying too hard, they get their face to close the woman's, they get jealous if she turns her attention to something else, they are talking too much and not letting her talk. These men do not know how to flirt with women. What you want to do is not come on so strong. Talk to her for a bit, leave her and then come back later to restart up the conversation. Try leaning forward when you talk, but lean back away from her so she has to come to you when she talks. Don't follow her around like a puppy dog, be confident in who you are. By doing these things, you will be able to slowly build those feelings of attraction in her. You will be showing her you know how to flirt with women and she will love it. Next time you are out, make sure you use these tips to be better at flirting. Then you can let all your friends wonder why you always get the girls and where you learned how to flirt with women.BECOME THE BEST FLIRTER AND HAVE WOMEN WAITING IN LINE TO TALK TO YOU. CLICK HERE!



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