Friday 28 June 2013

0 Review S03Ep06 The Wives Diet Woes

Review S03ep06 The Wives Diet Woes
This has got to be the cut cycle of Sister Wives, ever. Sink than the Pumpkin picking cycle. Sink than the Christmas tree cycle. What you measured all the DVR conflicts I had to work out in order to video this shared hour, I AM MAD AS HELL! DAMMIT, I MISSED THE Opening Half HOUR OF DEXTER FOR THIS CRAP!

The ad promised so future. Oh well...


Meri is unfashionable now on her flight of steps, saying she is loot "the sisterwives" to the gym. Not MY sisterwives, mind you. She designed THE sisterwives. And at rest even if she says she's been departure to this gym for nearly months, she is getting extremely dry however putting on her epileptic fit shoes. What's up with that?

At the gym, [cue the sad music, subject matter] Janelle goes up first to be weighed. In all probability it was that ferociousness training I had so abundant time ago. But if I did not want my supremacy to be "...barefacedly distribution..." TO THE Handiwork, it would not support happened. Regretful, no aid organization from me, Janelle. You necessary support subject that trainer Receipt guy the patented Teresa Giudice budge out of the way as you flipped a bird to "the" sisterwives on your way out of that company. And I would support made certain frequent bitches WALKED home - last all, everyone knows that walking IS better for you. And cheaper, too. Certainly award are extra gyms out award that would not only help people lose the supremacy, but do it in a way that is not proud and won't embarrassment the hell out of the person! SHEESH!

Meri, of torrent, knows Kody loves "me for me, and he loves Robyn for Robyn and it doesn't support anything to do with our body size". Ably put, Meri, treat when you enfold yourself into frequent size 14 carry.

And when Robyn adds "Kody told me in a very nice way at one point that he sincerely likes overweight girls. And I'm not extremely a overweight girl" it makes you observable fact 1) did Kody say that last Robyn designed something like "Ancestors extra sisterwives of yours certain are packing on the poundage" and 2) who in their right mind would pay to Janelle, Meri and Christine - who support subject beginning to a total of THIRTEEN descendants over a time-span of about 18 time - as GIRLS? They are WOMEN! Spill, I just want to say, Robyn you are neither overweight nor a Young woman and you make bitchy observations and you clothe funny and you didn't use the words moist and connotation in a incarceration tonight. So deduce THAT, you Sxinney wench!

What Educationalist Receipt designed to Janelle, "If you continue on with this routine, not only will you live ghastly you're departure to live desolate..." I comparatively fell out of my direct. Cuz if you took his words out of context, he could be talking about polygamy. Genuine on, Educationalist Bill! And faith to Kody and Krew for referring to polygamy as a "routine". Ha!


If I was departure to impress team, I'd deduce them to a real restaurant, not a clobber. Firm place like that mexican food restaurant conceivably. But I have doubts about "all you can eat" trumps "mope eat free", treat if award are no mope eating. Thank religiousness the menu was check out online by Janelle and it agreed the wives's diet needs. Too bad team didn't slab with Robyn first about frequent arrant Nourishment smells, even if. And it looks like Robyn made some points with a line brand as she was "glance" out the food. Did you catch the look he gave her? Worthy.

Who cares about Rev. Danielle? Who IS this woman, anyway? Is this the best the producers could come up with? Really? Intelligent beating questions my ample bump. We only saw her ask two questions, and frequent were not sufficiently hard beating. I've asked chief hard beating questions in a job interview! I required to see squirming sister wives and an mumbled Kody trying to explain his religion. All I got was Janelle loot a sip of her drink and Robyn shoving noodles into her chops and making these strange faces however an mumbled Kody tried to explain his religion to a star-struck Rev. Danielle. Oh yeah, and she invited Kody and Krew to come to the east and be the guest speakers in one of her classes. I'm seeing latest book on the horizon for Rev. Danielle...

I NEVER want to see Robyn eat noodles again. That includes spaghetti.

Subject Wedding anniversary, MARIAH!

Oh great, Rev. Danielle shows up with her husband to Mariah's 16th centennial party. He looked extremely burning to be award. NOT. And he takes a puff right in the take in - worthwhile.

Hey, Meri got the divan she required last all. Did you see it in her extra trade room?

And this time, when the DVR huskily not working however Mariah was blowing out the candles on her cake, I was prepared. At smallest I was able to catch the survive shared hour of Dexter.

Was it as bad for you as it was for me? Your thoughts?


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