Saturday, 24 October 2009

0 By Neville

By Neville
Spot on Judy! After reading the articles followed by the above comments, I realise that the more comments made, the least pertinence they have to the article. The comments have taken on a life of their own.As a man I thought the article was spot on in terms of describing the things that turn men off. Did the article help me? No, because I am not looking for a MAN. I am looking for a lady, so indeed, I too would like to see a similar article written for men about what turns woman off. Not, as some as suggested, a politically correct version that says "him or her" in every line. How could that be possible when men and woman are so diverse in their thinking in the area of love. For example, a woman (I am told) responds to subleties in conversation, while a man is almost incapable of detecting subtleties and sometimes needs to be asked directly (aka, bad hygiene). So, lighten up ladies, the article has been written to help you understand what turns men off, use the information to your benefit - dont attack the author. And, by all means, push for a similar article about what turns a woman off - I'm looking for it because I am the first to admit that don't understand women!


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