Thursday 12 September 2013

0 Looking For Two Book Titles

Looking For Two Book Titles
Hi, all my friends know I read a LOT of romance so when they can't think of a title they always come to me. I have a couple of them I cannot solve. HELP!

First description:

Some time back I read a book by Harlequin / Mills&Boon and I am trying to read it again but the thing is that I can't seem to remember the name of the book. Or the name of the author or characters or anything despite the fact that I loved the story.

What I do remember of it is that the heroine's life was being threatened. By her fiance. I think she was a lawyer (not sure, though). She runs in to an actor (who is the hero of the story) and together they solve the mystery so that she gets her life back.

Would really appreciate if you could help me find this book.

Second Description:

I'm trying to find this old Harlequin M & B book I've read when I was in high school. Thing is, I forgot the title and the author. It was about about a Spanish rich man who sent away his wife, thinking the baby she was carrying was not his. So the woman lived in another place (America, I think), and took care of their child on her own. Years later, the woman found a new guy who accepted her and her child, his name was Spencer, and they were thinking of marrying but the woman's first marriage had to be annulled first so she went to Spain to end things with her husband. But then her husband fell in love with her again and he tried to get her back to him. In the end, they got together. The names of the characters I only remember were Rodriguez, the family name of the man, Carlos Rodriguez, the man's brother, and Spencer, the woman's boyfriend.

I truly hope you could help me! Been searching for that book for years now!

Anyone remember either of these?


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