Sunday 25 August 2013

0 The Key To Finding Love Is With An Open Mind

The Key To Finding Love Is With An Open Mind
I often talk about the journey of self-realization being a lifelong path. Once you open your mind to new concepts, it is hard to shut it down and go back to the old ways of doing things unconsciously. After the door opens to new possibilities, there is also a gap from the point of when you learn new information and when you fully integrate it into your life. Sometimes you may feel like you wish you never opened the door in the first place because the information you acquired doesn't always work for you right away.

Some make the mistake of piling on more and more knowledge, without actually putting it into practice. They get the concepts intellectually, but they don't have the experience to fully realize what they had learned. Just like hearing someone describe a movie to you, you get an idea of the characters and scenes but it is no substitute to actually experiencing the movie first-hand yourself.

There are two types of knowledge - Direct Knowledge and Indirect Knowledge. Hearing a movie described to you gives you indirect knowledge. When you experience the full motion picture for yourself, you then have direct knowledge. What trips most people up is that they think if they read a book and understand it intellectually, then they full understand it without having the experience of applying the principles in the book.

You can study concepts and memorize inspirational quotes and truly feel like you understand life, but unless you have a direct experience, the theories, remain on the surface of your mind and doesn't shift down to your subconscious for a complete understanding.

My first year out of hypnotherapy school gave me huge leaps in confidence, but I still lacked the experience of attracting my true love. I used to help many singles find true love by learning the principles of hypnosis, eastern philosophy and the subconscious mind. I knew it worked, I saw my clients transform and find love, but I was still single so it was still indirect knowledge.

When I finally had an experience of facing my fear of an intimate conversation with my Dad, it wasn't something I could read in a book or have a speaker inspire me about the possibilities. I had a direct experience of breaking through my fear of having that heartfelt, open conversation and it shifted me deep in my core.

With the Internet at your fingertips, you can gain access to tons of knowledge about spirituality, personal development, law of attraction and relationship strategies. You can read about how powerful your mind is and how thinking positive is beneficial, but you won't fully get it until you experience the power within yourself. If you don't have the experience, you haven't truly learned it yet.

Just before I attended that workshop that changed my life, I thought I was done with my own personal development. I was taking the workshop as training on how to work better with my clients and get some coaching skills. At that point, I realized how little I knew! Even doing the same exercise brought out something that I hadn't seen before, and it was exactly what I needed at the time to make a breakthrough in love.

You can read the same book dozens of times and still find new, fresh insights and information if you slow down and actually study and apply the concepts. Personally, I have read most of my core books no less than ten times each. Each time my consciousness has expanded so the higher-level knowledge is now present for me.

How do you know if you have direct or indirect knowledge of a subject? Easy, do you have the result that you seek? Have you mastered the law of attraction (or as I call it the law of perception)? Do you have great relationships? Do you have all the wealth you want? Do you feel truly in love with yourself? If you can say no to any of these, then go back and keep studying. Find the missing piece, be open to learn more and master yourself and your life.

There is a story of a student who wanted to study with a new master. He sat down for tea with the master. The master started pouring the tea and the tea started to overflow while the master continued to pour. Finally the student asked him what he was doing. The master replied that he couldn't teach him with his mind in the state it was. He said like the cup, his mind so full there wasn't room for anything new. He needed to come to him with an empty cup so he can fill it.

Each time you start a new program, book or workshop, you must come from that beginner's mind, an open cup to receive information in a fresh, new way. Frankly, there is a lot of stuff out there that simply keeps you stuck in ego. Really study the information and make sure it aligns with universal principles. Keep asking questions and keep seeking answers.

If you approach understanding life from a beginner's mind, you are more open to receive the missing pieces to provide you the direct knowledge and experience of your greatest dreams. You move the insights from your head to your heart for true transformation.

Keeping an open mind and willing to learn more led me to finding my true love. You don't want to turn away from a growth opportunity as your ideal person may be waiting on the other side.



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