Sunday 9 January 2011

0 The Indian Man

The Indian Man
"Alright it's time I wrote something about the typical Indian man. If by reading this anyone feels that I am prejudiced, well you are wrong. Because I don't mean to generalise all Indian men here. I'm only talking about the typical Indian man so hold your horses ok :) Besides having lived in Sri Lanka, now living in Australia and knowing many men of Indian and other backgrounds, I have quite a good comparison weapon called experience - so whether you like it or not, be prepared for some of your egoes to be stroked and that is ONLY if this applies to you. You're most welcome to criticise my point of view as well. "

"~~Keshi puts her helmet on... "

"**I BELIEVE MOST INDIAN MEN ARE SELFISH. They want everything in life - personal, careerwise etc, but they consider girls shouldn't have dreams...because they believe that girls are meant to be wives and mothers some day, that's about all. Talk about human in-equality! "**MANY INDIAN MEN DON'T LIKE SMART WOMEN. Such women make these men feel inferior...kind of insecure feeling that will make them dislike those women. They don't like a woman who stands up for herself 'cause they don't believe that a woman can do that. Excuse me, God gave women brains too, just accept it and move on.

**I JUST KNOW THAT SOME INDIAN MEN WANT THEIR WOMEN TO BE SERVANTS ALL THEIR LIFE. Just take a look at the Indian families you know...majority of the women are housewives, washing dishes and clothes, taking care of kids, trudging behind their husbands eternally holding the lamp of dedication. How about 'sharing' the marriage and some responsibilites, and some personal space and freedom?

**I HAVE SEEN MOST INDIAN MEN TALKING WITH THEIR A##. In other words, it's total bull-sh#t and hypocrisy in total disguise. There are some Indian men who say 'She's immoral wearing clothes like that'. But really how many of those men fantasise such women behind those 'Im so holy' looks? How about shedding the fake?

**I'VE KNOWN TOO MANY INDIAN MEN WHO ARE MOMMA'S BOYS, MAKING THEMSELVES LOOK LIKE PUPPETS RUNNING BEHIND MUMMY'S SAREE. Many Indian men marry through proposed marriages even if that means dumping his life-long girlfriend. Doesnt bother him 'cause culture and family comes first and you know he's totally culture-drunk. What about common sense and a bit of manliness? **MOST INDIAN MEN ARE AFRAID OF BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO 'CAUSE THEY ARE DOWNRIGHT STUBBORN. They don't want to be open to others' views...they are arrogant and they think they just landed from the planet of Mr.Know-It-All. How about some openness?

**I HAVE KNOWN INDIAN MEN WHO ARE STILL FROZEN IN DIFFERENT STAGES OF EVOLUTION. They beat their wives and think it's the most manly thing to do. How about teaching yourself to be human before even thinking of being a man?

**I HAVE WITNESSED MOST INDIAN MEN TREAT WOMEN LIKE SEX TOYS. Pinching Ladies' bottoms in buses and staring at the chest forever is their favorite past time. How about some respect for women?

**WHEN IT COMES TO MARRIAGE, MANY INDIAN MEN WANT A PROFESIONALLY QUALIFIED AND VERY FAIR VIRGIN OFCOURSE. She has to be able to cook, dance, sing, perform, clean, breed and die if he asks her to. But most of these men may well be fat, dark, short, bald, have slept around and don't know the ABC's of cooking/cleaning, dancing or making love for that matter! How about some reality check?

**I KNOW THAT MOST INDIAN MEN LACK MANNERS. They don't open doors for ladies, never say thank you (especially if it's a woman who did the favor) or sorry (the hardest word for them to say) and don't know the words 'excuse me' or 'beg your pardon cause it makes them feel as if they are begging! How about some common courtesy?

**AND LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST, MOST INDIAN MEN ARE PENNY-PINCHERS. Even if he takes a girl out on a date, he will pay only for his expenses. He would cancel the dessert if that saves him 5 and will fight for the 50c sauce to be free of charge. And if there are freebies he will take many of them home, not just one. Being economical is one thing but being cheap is ugly.

"Having said all that I know THERE ARE SOME GREAT INDIAN MEN TOO and please know that this is NOT for them. It's mainly for the men who don't seem to go anywhere in life other than within their own little backyard. So yeah those men please listen, get a grip, you are in the 21st Century or is that you haven't mentally entered it yet...btw the World Wide Web is here too but you are caught up in your own Web of Self and still live in fossils of too much culture that has blinded you so strongly. Loosen up, enjoy the ride and most of all be a MAN. Because if not, who really lives underneath your attractive shirt and pants is the guy below :)"



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