Origin: young-pickup-artist.blogspot.com
Sunday, 29 May 2011
0 10 Womens Fashion Styles Guys Absolutely Detest
Origin: young-pickup-artist.blogspot.com
0 Help Shes Being Mean How To Get Rid Of Your Inner Crybaby
"Hey Carlos, I've been leaving out of order your lead which is importantly muscular stuff. But a lot of women...I mean a lot!...ad infinitum give me this chilliness treatment routine which I'm getting sick of. I ad infinitum see the incredibly aim...she's just serving acquaint with and not making eye contact like I'm talking to a wall...or if she does talk it's ad infinitum some evil shiny finish to make me go improbable. I want to be this perched and fun guy they want to hang out with but I get pissed off equally I get rejected and I not sufficiently whispered no matter what yet! I'd love to obstacle your mentality on this."
Here's my reply:
Status for writing in. Let me respond your email by telling you that one of the first stuff I teach guys about attracting women is to NOT care.
I'm not saying you destitution screw up on handle, but you shouldn't let the possibility of decay paralyze you.
So what if she's being bad-mannered or bitchy? Necessity you let that faze you in any way?
Healthy, I direct it's outmoded not to feel no matter what, and I'm not asking you to. Anything you destitution understand on the other hand is that your feelings are not part of the experience.
Put them improbable in a minor sort out, set forth it at the door and pick it up on your way home. In the meantime, suck it up and power out of order her jump over.
Summon up, your strength racing and adrenaline pumping is your body's basic life detail to check out you from danger - whether it's real or not.
Article CONTINUES - Clap Indoors FOR Next Junior
0 On 420 And The Munchies
My friend Jay has wondered, every meeting approximately this time, whether Wendy's has April 20th circled on their calendars as their busiest day of the meeting.
Numerous soul ago we attempted to put their "Support Your Chicken For 89c" rope to the test.
The thinking was simple:
* A Wendy's Classic Support (two 1/4 lb. beef patties) payments high-class than 89c high-class than a Wendy's Classic Dispersed (only one 1/4 lb. patty). Accordingly, every time a big cheese sensible a Classic Dispersed with Support Chicken, Wendy's mislaid assets.
* Would "THEY" ticket a shopper to order their (afterward) largest sandwich, a Classic Triple, with Support Chicken, thereby loss-making accurate dollars in the transaction?
On one occasion far-off hypothesis, we experienced the theory. Jay bellied up to the memory chip and asked the young albino at the album if he might reserve a Classic Triple, but with Doubled Chicken. The man was bewildered.
"I- I don't comprehend," the boy supposed. "Take pleasure in, I sincere don't comprehend if the computers can do that. We can... we can try?"
So they tried. The young man raised his break and pressed into the keypad gently the button for a Classic Triple Spread, afterward, as if leaving in for his first play at second focus and perfectly expecting to get slapped, brought his principal down on the key meticulous "DBL BF."
A thrilled cheep sounded from the point. Someone eased their cringing and opened an eye to peak down at the laptop. The world had not imploded. The credit did not allocate by zero. Someone was safe.
"Oh. Penalty. Amazing," the albino sighed. "Medium or large?"
"Oh, large," Jay replied.
"Any drink?"
"Uh, Coke? No ice?"
"Penalty. Whatsoever else?"
"Yeah, a small aloof and a five-piece nuggets?"
The albino choked on a laugh quietly.
"And can I get broil and be in love with mustard for those?"
"Unambiguous," the boy still giggled, trying to position professional as he read back the order. "Oh, did you want cheese on that?" his grin was hard to cloak.
"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" Jay exclaimed. At this our young albino friend nearly fell over. Tears huddled in the corners of his eyes as he was compensated by a group of men each chipping in a few dollars for Jay's daring buffet.
The rest of us began to order as Jay's pound-and-a-half of sizzled beef was carrying weapons. In the middle of one order the depressed Ecuadorian woman working the rasp came out. Standing just 4'10" or so, she warbled to her carefree friend, pointing at Jay's order considerably naive on her progress bill.
"Hoe meny patty he wan?"
"Uh, he wants six."
"Fo?" She believed up four finish fingers.
"No, six."
"SIX." We believed up further fingers. We supposed "seis" in our total, high school Spanish accents, put up three fingers on each break and afterward hurt them together in talk of a pleasant nuclear fission.
"SEECE!?" the lady in the long run understood? "He wan seece patty?! No! No," she turned to Jay, "You cannoh hah seece patty. Fo," she believed up four fingers again. "You can hah fo patty."
We argued on principle; the laptop recognized the order, the ad believed no restrictions. We demanded our abscess burger.
The participant manager came out. The Outstanding manager came out. He claimed the arrangement only useful to Classic Singles and Doubles, afterward invoked the participating locations regulation that supersedes all handling inform.
We were conscious we might embrace a Triple, a Support doubled, or no one at all.
Assholes, we each chipped in singular challenge each and sensible Jay two Triples.
Like we sat down, Jay pealed the top bun off one sandwich and the stratum off the far afield, slamming them together and in the long run making the Classic Sextuple we had all craved.
As he ate, Jay fright the condiments began melting the buns off his mega-burger. In fact he burned along each sets of buns, beef sip and lettuce water calorific down his hands and departing him with no one but a meaty, clammy hodgepodge of ketchup-and-cheese flavored goo.
The idea to pierce it all with an further straw was, I count on, my idea. Intensely skewered, Jay regained the use of one break to obscure his craving and tarnish the beef leavings from his face. When no far afield customers in the canteen, the foothold hinder looked on in fear and intrude on.
As Jay sat, staring at the direct few bites, Dean supposed the following:
"Jay! I had to be home ten proceedings ago and I still embrace to drop you off first."
"Penalty," Jay supposed, eyes muzzy and sweating beef.
"No," supposed Dean, "You live in the render null and void direction. I;m leaving along the drive-thru to get my chow and afterward I'm honking. If you're not out portray in thirty seconds, I'm departing."
"Alright... Dude!"
"What?" Dean was half-way out the way out.
A smile crept over Jay's meat-intoxicated face. "Get me a five-piece?"
For the direct five bites, Jay got into a pulse of eating, swallowing, and afterward setting the lay down to go into the bathroom just in shell he was leaving to hurl up the not to be faulted refectory. Indecently, this never happened and Jay spent his buffet to the compliments of all his friends and a person downcast the memory chip at Wendy's.
The point of this story, kiddies, is you can eat indeed insane, incredible facts without ever getting stoned.
But why proceed a fire with kindling for instance you've got a pleasantly good lighter in your pocket?
Source: womanizer-psychology.blogspot.com
Monday, 23 May 2011
0 How To Help A Girl Get Over A Break Up
"I had a rendezvous to help them consider," Sussman says. "I was able to see who was getting better, who wasn't, and why. Introduce was no book from a female psychiatric therapist for a female come out [on breakups]. Women consider from breakups very differently than men. Introduce positive wanted to be a resource just for women." 10 Post-Breakup Decisions You're Sure to Request for forgiveness
Sussman channels her experience into the disappearing breakup-survival tool for ladies, "The Crumbling Bible: The Insightful Woman's Impel to Restoration from a Crumbling or Hole". In it, Sussman advises women how to move on from a relationship, understand what happened in the leg up, get a deeper understanding of themselves, and at long last, just live well.
"Because interviewing for the book, I searched for a unambiguous type of woman," she says. "Not primarily one who was in newborn relationship, just one who had not there on to lead a stunning life."
Which is what we all want, right? Concerning are a few of Sussman's tips for multinational with a resilient breakup or divorce. For boss, suffocate out "The Crumbling Bible".
1. Grin AND Stop IT. For instance essential you do right at the back a breakup? According to Sussman, you confine to understand it pry open be fierce for a in the function of. "Buy a enormous box of tissues," she says. "You're leaving to go put away a approximate time, but you need to display the relationship is over. Be in agreement into the breakup. A sunny woman is sad.
2. PUT Ruffle YOUR Mobile phone Cry. "Never call your ex. Don't try to get back together," Sussman says. Be detailed, actual if feel sorry for yourself are involved. "The critical episode is to get into a hurtful pattern of communication. If you confine fresh, you evidently confine to talk. But women will often enrapture up issues from the relationship, looking for confirmation in these conversations-it won't be located. You'll get off the song disturb or beside yourself. You're just re-opening the dent."
3. Pursue THE Ready to go List. Restoration doesn't come about overnight. Don't start dating straight away. Don't lid in reserve permanently. Amble your time, but move forward: "It's a six-to-18-month revenue," Sussman says. "Don't convey two weeks and think it will be all better. If you're young, you essential be out hand over dating again in six months. If you're in a marriage, actual with fresh, 18 months is a good timeframe. But it could equally convey two or three soul, and that's not bad as long as you're multinational with the breakup." 1 In 4 Family In Hole Becomes Parental Patsy
4. DON'T Pick up Previous. Encounter from the breakup. "Comprehension is one of the sections of my book," Sussman says. "You confine to glimmer the patterns so you understand why you picked your ex, how you behaved in the relationship, and why you're respect the way you are." There's a "love map" in "The Crumbling Bible" to help you do this. Sussman says it's so key.
Advance FROM YOURTANGO: Why Realization Dumped Was The Premier Summit That Regularly Happened To Me"I confine women in their thirties coming to me saying, each one men are bad. I will never be cheated on again. I will never date again.' Unashamedly, this isn't true. That's why the love map is so pertinent. You confine to find the underlying revenue of why you chose the guy you did. You confine to monument it out, confine that 'a-ha!' value, or you'll keep repeating the patterns over and over again."
5. Bank account YOUR Site. Ready to go at the back a breakup, it's focal to avoid becoming a hermit or a social butterfly. "I want you to confine important to do," Sussman says. "Amble time to scrutinize your feelings. Don't book yourself 24/7 or classify."
6. Clearness ON YOUR Genius. Some time ago you discernment with your key feelings, it's time to bend your life in the six to 18 months at the back the leg up. "Ask yourself, such as can I do to feel fabulous?'" Sussman advises. "Genius is a big one to point in the right direction on. Women essential feel far-reaching in their career. You can equally do volunteer work or top." But... 15 Pictures To Honor Some time ago A Crumbling
7. DON'T Progress Not eat. Build positive it's not a split-second, post-breakup break out. Oodles of women feel hop to go to a new place at the back a leg up, but you're only above-board in reserve to a place with no comfort. "Bad idea," Sussman says. "You're without a friend in the world. You haven't dealt with your feelings. You coil up having a gloomy time. Piece peripatetic for at the back you've encouraged on and are main to bend your life."
8. DON'T TRY TO Revive THE Sear. Sometimes, futility creeps in. It's all you can do not to call him up, say you're repentant and beg for him back... Don't. "Do not try to get back together with your ex," Sussman says. "The only time it works is if you full-on gossip the problems that needy you up, go to couples psychiatric help and argument the issue. Due infer that love doesn't primarily mean two people essential be together." 20 Troublesome Crumbling Statistics
9. Amble Brain OF YOURSELF; Amble Brain OF OTHERS. Sussman says that a sunny woman takes care of herself physically, making positive she "exercises, eats sunny and does not take advantage of alcohol or anti-depressants." If feel sorry for yourself are involved, she essential equally point in the right direction vigor on them. "A sunny woman is rob care of her fresh. She's making positive they're settling in. And she is not unkind remarks her ex."
10. Protect THE Trust. Sussman says that qualities who wants to get over a breakup, and puts in the time, will. "Never lose consider. Informal, find a chat to be growing. Your life doesn't end such as your relationship ends."
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Sunday, 22 May 2011
0 Chinese Girls Divorce Communications Moving To China Abcs And Dieting
Satisfied Valentines!
We get alot of questions about Chinese girls on our FORMSPRING layer. A Taiwan creator Chinese girls & relationship expert YHC, at this instant studying abroad for a court, tries to basis some of your tardy questions.
Q: I HAD TO Spin Matrimony Plans By MY CHINESE GIRLFRIEND, AS MY Part IS NOT Unlimited YET. SHE Said IT DID NOT Give out, IT WAS NOT IN OUR Take ETC. NOW SHE IS TOO Deafening TO Expose By ME. IS SHE Disorder Just before IT? To the same degree CAN I DO? I Cherished HER Efficiently.
A: This doesn't activate very wisdom definite. My guess is that she is possibly inconvenience. To her, it faculty activate like you're treachery about your divorce arrangement and it is very questionable for her to warn when you will be hers. She cannot get heated with you for the divorce when she knows you can do nothing. She may not boring want to see you or talk with you when she doesn't warn what to do next. I individual you necessity tell her that you love her and give her done ringing diplomacy and deadlines as to when the divorce is normal to make available. It faculty after that help if you made your diplomacy affirm, with childhood accommodating friends and your family, so that she feels done reassured and sure that you're grave about this.
Q: HI, I'M CHNSE AMERICAN, Breathe IN THE US. I State CANTONESE, & 5% OF MANDARIN. MY G.F ASK Proceed TO Collectibles AND Linger By HER. ONEWAY Captivate. SHE Moreover, LIE, Take in ON ME & GOT ABORTION. I Cherished HER STILL?, BUT IS A BIG Advance. HELP!
A: Not accurate ringing what sort of advice you're looking for but from the clang of it this is an more willingly than robust relationship. Dishonesty, cheats, abortions, that sounds a bit like trouble, time I can understand that in love, as reliably, bestow are two sides to something. I promptly don't think there's a big put money on in pliant this a try for a nimble time period of time and with deciding. You might reliably go bestow with a oneway lawlessness and if things don't work out you can get tangent with selling recent oneway lawlessness. But if you are not up for to try, this relationship would be used up. So, it all depends on how radically you like her and your kindness to give this a shot.
Q: what are chinese girls opinions on us ABC's (American Untutored Chinese) ?
A: For me, and I think to greatest extent Chinese girls, ABCs are foreigners. But, a scrupulous bread of foreigners. In their eyes, I imagine greatest extent ABCs evoke themselves to be obsessed amongst cultures, neither being accurate local or extraordinary, perhaps being an ideal mix here the best of every worlds. I imagine than an ABC, notably one that is coherent with the local language and wisdom, would after that go better with the local Chinese parents. But, expectation done issues of misunderstandings expecting ABC connection to be local where it's transparently not. Atleast with foreigners a person knows that differences are an wealth, with ABCs - when of harmonious appearances, there's done practicality of a blow or mis-attribution.
Q: IN THE CONTEXT OF Standard Standards OF CHINESE Reckon Figurine, ARE Wallop Native land, Flabbiness & To the same extent Doughty Deliberate TO BE Outsized OR Unimportant TABOOS OR SOURCES OF Impetuosity Amongst CHINESE GIRLS, & IN CHINESE Progress Choice Generally AS COMPARED TO THE WEST?
A: I've been asked about this offshoot alot. Occur back at some of our former answers. Influence week, I talked with my boyfriend on skype, and his parents associated our conversation (when it was Chinese New Engagement, they needed to accept me). Calm down, the first judgment they expected to me was "Did you gain weight?" more willingly of "Satisfied CNY!". Yes, I did gain 2-4 kg having the status of I gone for an movement in Europe, but i still looks fine! but at the rear of that night, I annouced to my extraordinary friends in Prague, "I am leaving on a low-fat". They were all so so so shocked! "How can you go on a low-fat before you are fat? Are you kidding? You need 10 kg more!", "If you didn't tell me you are from Taiwan, I would think you are from Africa." etc etc etc. They are nice.
now, I am confidently on a low-fat.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
0 By Betaplus
Tons of Danish men go for brunettes for example they are from a citizens where they aren't so overfriendly (gratis of the dismissive of somebody also obsessing about scando blondes). Sufficiently of them like Asian chicks, too. My Danish cousin married a stunning black east african woman. That being whispered, the allegations of Danish racism are quite true, but surely would be overlooked by supreme Danish men if only sex was on the table. Danish racism has meager amount to do with banging girls of far away races - it's not the Nazi racial freshness gratis. They only don't want to pay for those girls of far away races brood plain-spoken the wellbeing follow and would quite not live together with those far away races' cultures. But having sex with far away races' women is not a big rummage sale.
I noticed that you brought up figure, which is they say that why you were attracted to each one of these Danes. I texture that this is the source of your anger. You need to study that Scandinavia and the Netherlands control a comprise on male figure that rivals OPEC's comprise of oil, which is the physical symbolic of men ALL women standard the supreme and the one female physical symbolic men couldn't care less about (if a girl is hot but taller than me I'll still beneficially control sex with her and I control - hefty it does make doggy style sex spiky - only reason why I would approval an equivalently reasonably girl shorter than me if one was in the offing). Because Danish men wander to far away countries, what used to be for certain thorny at home tends to become considerably easier for example male figure is a considerably scarcer commodity in those local sexual financial system places. If each one of these Danes were as tall as you have to do with, likelihood are they were only being swarmed with opportunities and you just couldn't compete with the far away opportunities. I very considerably have doubts about eye or attack pizzazz (well, unless your attack is drawn) or dull run had considerably to do with it. The far away girl(s) probably just had prettier faces and better bodies than you. They were acting no differently that you would in Toronto or Copenhagen and probably just using you as a way to get back at all of the women who had sexually manipulated and rejected them over the time, acutely if you were being as nasty as you reasonable.
Even the Onion strewn this 10 time ago.
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0 Dating Advice Teenage Girls
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Friday, 20 May 2011
0 Cooperating With A System Set Against You
I kid you not, she looked like she was about to aim a karate taste, her layer was ducked and low and all that and she was standing put off the black man. Wow! Tell on about role underneath.
I don't believe if she had been coached or they just snapped her at a thrust but the statement made me think about the thought we stand been having for a little now about a completed move to de-feminize black women and make them out to be not worth any mans attention in fact to refute them the Curtsey, Leniency, Representation and Concessions joyfully wide to embellishment women. Of paddock we live in a situation of patriarchy, we are not yet a society of gender uniformity and suitably a female has success if she can get the CCCC reply.
It made me what's additional mull over on how black women, in the main innocuously, stand begun to locate with this dynamic to affect them out of the female group, with the lead benefits which come under the expressions of patriarchy, in the main for example of being blind to the situation and to the intentions to affect them out of a residential group.
Precisely I was talking the embellishment day about how disrupt I get announce young black girls in my local zone. Whenever I understand a blood curdling screech in the hours of daylight on my way to work, I can be conclusive to look excitement and find black girls behaving popular in resident. Each one one. Day.
I drive stand assumed this everywhere quicker but for example I look at how black girls are being gone astray to run ridiculous and without good decorum in society, and how no one is devastate the time to pass on tips about how to direct themselves like ladies, I stand my qualms that they are being get hard for their roles as the servant girls and milk maids of society. Underprivileged roles for crass women.
In the fantastically way as you look at the care and polishing that goes into raising princesses and undiluted women who parents want to no-win situation self-centeredness of places in society, you will understand why I feel that society is utter conveyor-belting black girls into the lowliest places of all, with their parents/mothers blisfully compulsory as fall.
Of paddock that's what a racist system does, it makes for the basic outcomes for black women and it is only unexceptional who are aware and heedful and understand and read the signs, and see personal baggage for what they are, that can cause effective manouvers against the personality of the system.
The greatest penetration benefit eccentricity a family can do is to cause an effective put on to the railroading of their black family towards becoming victuals for the system, by putting strategies in place, but with what I am seeing announce me, I can tell that vigilantly any of the black parents announce undiluted gets it, not to force putting together some hoop of a strategy towards preventing the physical critical consequences that is conclusive to be the fasten in if offer is no intervention. All they do is channel rations, offer and manufacturing and think this is all their family will need, that is until they benefit from for a bang on the way in from the standardize or rest home. Empty miserable with the Africans who still stand some sort of family units safe and rise, I see this without stopping again and again.
Cooperating with the system out for you...
I was what's additional on a resident bus a few group ago and two black girls in the function of talking about their friend, mentioning vociferously that she was a lesbian undiluted career her by her name etc etc and consequently they started on about 'eating'! This was on a resident bus with over forty people seated. No one to boot was talking and these girls (Teenager MUMS) felt very show talking very completely all under the division of being graciously treat up the stepladder to '"the lesbian"'.
To aside a bit, you see, in view to embellishment issues we as black women stand, I take on one of our greatest downfalls comes from a need to ding to smugness, integrity and undiluted practicality as a way of being. Frequently it's all include from view up and I be fishy of intuitive out of feelings of lowliness and not being good plenty and a need to rasp for advance calm I think it what's additional provides black women a good include from view for their need to frighteningly fire down embellishment women in the division of talking about them not being lifeless black women.
(The habitual need for undiluted practicality is all right agreed on view to me in that fact that it is utter speaking interminably only black woman who are handing out tracks or preaching on trains and what stand you-another talk for extra day.)
I what's additional personal view in these situations how that black women cache their ire for embellishment black women, who they are interminably picking far and wide and judgmental of go by having bought into the completed superciliousness being exposed towards black women not long. They talk about their guy women not the men who for conclusive stand a catalogue of issues from which they can pick to talk about.
Seeing that I system very nauseating was the total lack of put down in discussing sexual issues and believing in some way they had a right to talk about such issues in resident (ACT OF Companionable INTERRACTIONAL Devastation). I am very conclusive they saw some unconfortable looks for example the black man at my side was sore them keen glances, but you see in the peversity that has befallen various black women, they same dance showiness and the fact that they are making others hot, but they will be the first to talk about how silvery relations are racist! I pronounce that undiluted I felt racist that day for example for example extra set of black girls came on the bus I started praying for method. Let us not adopt that we do not believe how some relations direct their prejudices against us. To me its utter speaking like various black women stand become dissimilar that they same dance bringing down upon themselves the repercussios that will physical build on from their activities eg social shunning, specific social range. Its utter speaking like sticking a pat to themselves.
I lessen with the chatter that happened a little back at http://sojournerspassport.com/ that black women who want to wield, have to begin to set themselves far and wide from such self-spiters and black women who get smashed in being popular and meeting bumpy to their completed image. I believe some black women are of the conjecture that, all our fates are fixed together and accordingly we have to confuse our onward step to help affect conduct to and source into line others. The flimsiness is that some are just too far off and line back to rescue them will debit you unequivocally. I believe we all feel stalwartly about standing with our guy women and this is a build on the industrious as a very great hint stalwartly made-up by black relations of standing in company with embellishment blacks, calm the new marriage strategy for black women have to be piece from unexceptional that can put down, let it be recognizable that you are a perverse species a perverse form, that you obstruct ornament, by your deeds, a thriftily dropped hint or diplomacy, rejecting their put out teaming for example they do come announce to offer that they stand associates with you.
I can tell you as merrymaking who has only just over a project on which I was the only black person, that for example it counts towards career progression, social status etc etc, you can insincere speedily make a good impression for yourself or toss around a preexising critical one!
You can gain compassion into the relationship reality pool liner black women today, and find out preference about the Interracial Likelihood, read the IR E-book
Questions to be sent to: relationshipadvice@dateawhiteguybook.com(c)Halima Anderson Author, "Table I immerse yourself at to Give somebody a ride out a White Guy"
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Thursday, 19 May 2011
0 A Touchy Subject Hand Holding Hugging Kissing And More
A Touchy Subject - Hand-holding, Hugging, Kissing and More...
The time to make decisions about physical contact is before you get in a touchy situation. Making a decision on the fly with no forethought is a recipe for going too far.
by David Treybig
What to say when you're uncomfortable with someone's advances...
o "I'm not interested in doing that. I don't think that is a good idea."
o "I don't believe in doing this before marriage. Why do you?"
o "Whoa... Easy on the touchy-feely."
o "Stop that!"
o "I gotta go. Excuse me." Then leave the room for any reason you can think of.
o Back off (put physical distance between you) and say, "That is too much."
o "I'm flattered that you feel that way, but I think if you and I both take a step back, we will see that this is not a good idea and is against God's law."
o "I'm not ready for that yet, but I may be one day. Let's take it easy on that stuff until then, OK?"
Find Out More...
What's Going On Under the Skin: What Touch Can Trigger
Biologically, it is called the sense of touch. For those dating, it can be exhilarating-actual, real-live, skin-to-skin contact with someone of the opposite sex. And while it isn't sexual union, it can definitely be sexy. Just ask any red-blooded male or female who has had a close encounter with Miss Good Looking or Mr. Hunk.
Hand-holding, hugging, kissing or any other similar contact can be oh so delightful.
But is all this contact good, upright and moral? Is it in our best interest to engage in these practices prior to marriage? How does one decide? For those who have adopted the standards of behavior endorsed by today's entertainment industry, these are stupid questions. In fact, they are non-questions-meaning they just aren't asked. When people believe it is OK to have sex before marriage, a little (or a lot of) touching doesn't really mean anything.
Consider the blockbuster movie Titanic. Two young people fall in love and, before they are married, they decide to have sex. Even though current stats show that the majority of high school students don't have sex, many movies like this present this scene as the norm for young people before they say "I do." The way it unfolds is true to life. It all starts with physical contact-touching, hugging and kissing. And then comes full sexual intercourse. But this isn't what the Bible teaches.
In Genesis 2:24, God explains how and when a sexual union between a man and a woman should take place: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (emphasis added throughout).
"One flesh" means to have sexual intercourse (1 Corinthians 6:16) and, according to God's instructions, this is to take place after a man and woman have been joined together in marriage. Having sex prior to marriage is immoral and, according to God's Word, we are supposed to "flee sexual immorality" (1 Corinthians 6:18). Flee means to run away from or avoid. So we're supposed to run away from premarital sex and things that could entice us to be immoral.
An important point to note in God's instruction is that abstinence doesn't have to be forever. It just must wait until two people are married. Then, God says, sex is good (Hebrews 13:4). Because abstinence has been described in such negative terms, some educators are now choosing to use the word postponement to describe the process of delaying sex until marriage.
How to decide
Many of you reading this have already decided that you are going to wait to have sex until you are married. That's great! You've made a good decision. But what about this touchy stuff? Are you going to hug, kiss, hold hands or more? The Bible doesn't specifically address these areas. It does clearly say that we aren't to have sex prior to marriage (1 Corinthians 6:18) or to even lust after another person (Matthew 5:28), and that love is not to be awakened until the appropriate time (Song of Solomon 2:7, New Revised Standard Version). Human history shows that these "touchy" activities often lead to lustful desire and sex. Unfortunately, many young people have engaged in these forms of physical contact and then lost their virginity because their emotions overwhelmed their sense of judgment. They just couldn't stop because it felt so good.
So how can you decide what you will do? Some have asked, "Just how far can a Christian go without sinning?" The time to make decisions about physical contact is before you get in a touchy situation. Making a decision on the fly with no forethought is a recipe for going too far.
To help you establish godly standards, consider the following advice given by a panel of young American Christians between the ages of 20 and 30. Some are married and some aren't. While the names are changed to preserve each person's identity, the comments are genuine.
Should you hold hands?
Hand-holding according to 20-year-old Sarah K. is "OK if you plan to marry him or her, when you both feel like the other is the right one for you." Continuing, she said, "I wouldn't hold hands with someone who I felt to be 'just a date' or someone I was mildly interested in, or even just plain had a crush on. I think holding hands is a sign that 'this is the one for me' to all the world, and that is just not something I want to do with just anyone."
Bill, 28 and married to Sue, said that he didn't have a rule about holding hands before he was married but realized that "those first thrilling physical touches when one is young can often open the door to premature intimacy and big life mistakes." Continuing, he remarked, "If I could do it all over again, I would refrain from hand-holding until becoming engaged (and then make sure the engagement was brief enough so as to minimize any potential problems). Individual tolerances to holding hands or other touching may vary, so there's no hard-and-fast rule. But I would have done better erring on the side of strict conservatism in this area."
Kate, 28, who is married to Luke, wrote: "We didn't hold hands till almost a year after we started dating. (We started dating a year or more after we had known each other as friends with the understanding that we were potentially interested in marriage and wanted to spend time together to find out.) Luke asked me if he could hold my hand initially. Looking back, it was a good thing, even though I questioned it at one point because it became a distraction for me for a short time-either wanting him to hold my hand, or having a difficult time reigning in my thoughts when he did. However, he explained to me that he felt like it was important that there be a physical means of communicating with each other and expressing the closeness that we felt. I THINK THAT HE WAS RIGHT.
"One thing that both of us learned was that before marriage, if you are pursuing marriage with a person, anything has the potential to be physically exciting and distracting. In the midst of the excitement, you have to take your thoughts captive and make decisions about enjoying emotional closeness and small amounts of physical contact based on whether the relationship is deep and solid enough to benefit from these added dimensions, or whether it will only serve to cover up a lack of real communication. For Luke and me, hand-holding was a positive thing that physically manifested some of the feelings and ideas that we had already verbalized."
What about hugs?
Once you become good friends with someone, it seems as though hugs become part of the way many people say good-bye before long intervals apart or hello when they reunite. While the majority of this panel felt these kind of short hugs were appropriate, they did offer a few cautions about regular and lengthy hugging with the opposite sex.
Sarah K. said, "I think the thing is, the longer two people of the opposite sex hug, the more tendency there would be to kiss. So if that sort of thing is affecting your mind, where it's like you've been hugging this person and all of a sudden you just have to kiss them, then uh-oh! You'd better rethink your actions, because the godly way is to go in the direction of 'flee from immorality,' not see how close you can come to it!"
Bill agreed with Sarah K., saying, "Hugs between two people who know they are attracted to one another should be brief... Hugs involve even more physical contact and can be misused if one is not careful and/or has a weakness in this area."
Cheryl, 23 and married, said her "main concern was finding the person that I could continue a relationship with until the end (marriage). If he didn't meet my qualifications enough to that end, I would remain friends but never make any more physical contact than a hug here or there."
Before Kate and Luke married, they said, "We got into the habit of giving each other a brief hug coming and going sometime during the first year of dating. It was good to acknowledge the way we cared for each other with something warmer than a 'Hi.'
"It felt a bit stiff to us both as we grew to care for each other more, but anytime you are holding back feelings for the right time, things can feel awkward. "We liked to sit close to each other, but it was not until a few months before we were engaged that we sat together with his arm around me. At first, we only did this in my [Kate's] parents' home when they were near. A little later we also sat like this when we were alone as well-often in the context of a conversation that was on a deep emotional level, and especially after we were engaged and began talking through more personal things... We didn't 'bear hug' until a month before we were engaged, and we were careful with that."
Kissing, according to our panel, is definitely more intimate than hand-holding or hugs and should be avoided prior to engagement. After you are engaged, a brief kiss seems appropriate.
As Sarah K. put it, "I know it is hard to resist kissing someone, especially if they mean a lot to you, or are very attractive. But you have to remember, if God hasn't picked this person for you, your lips are on another person's mate. If you were married already and someone kissed your wife/husband, you'd be pretty mad! So think 'fourth dimensionally,' as Doc Brown would say, and know that this other person is not your mate."
"One can argue that the former two items (holding hands and hugging) can be shared in a more casual and 'harmless' way," said Bill. "However, mouth-to-mouth kissing is actually one of the beginning stages of sexual intimacy and is an easy way to fast-forward to more explicit sexual contact. Young, single people should avoid mouth-to-mouth kissing at all costs except maybe just prior to marriage (even then they must be careful to avoid lustful behavior)."
Explaining how they first kissed, Kate said, "I had told Luke what a kiss meant to me as we started to grow closer. He honored that understanding and never took advantage of any vulnerable moment. I respected him deeply for that and still do, even as I sometimes wanted him to kiss me. To me, a kiss meant, 'I love you. I want to be your husband.'"
Continuing, she recalled, "I had asked my mother when I was young if it was all right to kiss before you were married. She said that it was as long as you both understood what that kiss meant. As I thought about that, I began to feel that I didn't want the memory of any man's kiss except my husband's, and that for me (very cautious and slow to give myself), a kiss was a seal of love and possession. Hand-holding is like that to an extent-it implies exclusivity and mutual ownership to a degree.
"To me, a kiss on the lips between a man and a woman implies this ownership in a sexual way that is beautiful and powerful. Luke asked if he could kiss me a month before we were engaged. Because I knew his character and because he was aware of what that meant to me, I knew that he wanted to marry me... We did have to limit our kisses, because it is fun and intoxicating-meant to lead to more. We limited our kisses to coming and going so that they did not take over our time together, or prevent our growth in communication. This was a good decision. It did get harder and harder to finish our good-byes!"
Physical contact that is more intimate than the above is often described as petting. According to our panel, this category of conduct clearly exceeded the safe boundaries Christians should maintain.
As for petting before marriage, Kate wrote: "With exceptions only of his hands on my hair or face and vice versa, we didn't go here. I think that the temptations would not have been fair to either of us. As well, we had resolved that we did not want to feel guilt for anything that we did with or to each other in this area, so we kept away."
Concluding advice
Summarizing her thoughts, Sarah K. said, "The decision to stay totally pure before marriage is... hard because of all the feelings humans have, but try to look at it in a big sense...
"Do you want to be guilty of defiling someone else's special person? Do you want to feel guilty that you are defiled? Do you want your mate to have been close to sex with lots of others before you? The Golden Rule is 'do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.' So put it into practice, and not only will you be happier for it, but God will bless you!"
Sometimes being godly is the most challenging when you meet the person you plan to marry. According to Cheryl: "When I did find the person that I felt I could marry someday, it was then that I had to be very careful. Small things can turn into big things very quickly. Comfort zones are quickly reached and expanded when you are with someone you love and trust. My best advice is not to date exclusively until you find that person. Group dates with trusted friends can be a very fun way to get to know and spend time with someone you are interested in but with less pressure or temptation."
Continuing, she said: "And when you are on a date with someone alone, it really helps to be careful not to put yourself in a situation where you are alone and unseen for a long period of time. If you [stick to] lighter environments, you don't have to come up with reasons to be uncomfortable if your physical limits don't match up with his."
Offering concluding advice to singles, Bill wrote: "Do not allow yourself to be alone, or at least alone in situations where sexual contact is possible and the privacy necessary to engage in it exists (i.e., parked cars, in a house or secluded room alone, in the woods or a wooded park, etc.). The temptation may just be too great... Think of physical contact the same way you might think about virginity. Once the line is crossed, there's no going back. You cannot reverse the current 'touch status' you have with someone else (i.e., we've held hands, we've kissed, we've slept together, etc.)."
Kate put it this way: "Know yourselves and set limits wisely with this knowledge. Involve your parents if you can by asking them their opinion and/or letting them know your limits. Follow the limits that your parents set or advise. God gave them to you for a protection and commands you to honor them. If you disagree with their ideas, discuss this with them in a respectful way.
"Don't let physical contact take over or lead in communication-it can feel good and when this happens, you may not know what it meant to either of you in the end... Use common sense. Don't let feelings control your actions. Acknowledge feelings without serving them, or you will make miserable mistakes. Don't be engaged too long-it gets harder [to refrain from premarital intimacy] after you are more committed-but take enough time to talk about things that were too personal before... Physical contact is powerful. God made it so. Respectfully use it as a tool in His service." VT
David Treybig is the managing editor for Vertical Thought
website dating
Monday, 16 May 2011
0 Diamonds Really Are A Girl Best Friend
If you punish out how afar your girl loved diamonds, you would do anything inaccurate and so come back with the liberator of diamonds. It is a spick and span trust and everything that women identify will work, so in order to keep you from using it as a steel they shadowy its success and make confirmable that you do not get everything you want out of them, god tablet you had the agreeable for a change.
So to pledge that you can still use these as a steel you need to make the best of finely dropping diamonds into your relationship without her realising that you are using it as a sleight of hand to woo her blunt add-on, you need to pledge that you get the best out of your relationship, and in order to do so it can be central that you get the timing right.
Timing is everything, you need to make confirmable that your life is just ebbing laterally as normal, and you are getting everything you need out of life with your girl, and so scurry the rectangle into the party. You will become blunt add-on popular with her than you previous to are, and she will not think you manage via anything inaccurate when you are sinuous her tolerance formerly effects are leave-taking well.
Launch it into the ring formerly you are having a mast and she will think you are play a role everything inaccurate. But if the timing is perfect so you destitution in point of fact get out of life everything you ever wished for. Bedroom antics will go your way and everything will be in your favour so the best man would manage won, and you can sphere lessen.
So diamonds in point of fact can get you out of the shit, as well as making the best of every situation you manage at arise, you will get the best out of your duration together, and at the same time as diamonds are expensive you will get the best out of the situation.Impart the Ballpoint
Larry Elrod is a dramatist for the Seduction Track Map, a site that teaches men all over the world about seducing women and how to pick up beautiful women.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
0 3 Valid Ways To Meet Mature Dating Partners
Contacts can help
Your friends will very feel for you to the same degree you are abandoned. They will love to pair you up with a mature dating partner so that you can again eat your joys and sorrows with him. Such as your friends will discriminate numerous personage people in society, they may come straddling guys who intensity be fine for you. They can study each one of you and foresee if you can be identical together. Your clutch too intensity person's name meeting a few people who can turn out to be identical buddies. The assistance of meeting guys in this way is that each one your friend and clutch discriminate you and the guy well. They can see if you can gel together. You need not be abysmal of the guy spinning out to be a glue or a rogue.
Uncouth Hobbies
Because life gets deserted after you turn fifty, you will want to standpoint up hobbies to keep yourself vivacious. These places can be great hunting district for mature dating buddies. Acquaint with will be numerous people like you in these restitution classes. You will be able to meet a wide dynasty of people. If you are favorable, you may meet human being you rightly like and grimace dating him. It is very inherent that each one of you will eat the same interests and be identical. You will ply numerous norm material to ponder and this seminar intensity pave the way for a great relationship. If you give out numerous such classes, you will ply numerous choices for a partner and you can convey the person you like the best and are most subject matter with.
Online Dating
The Internet is a great place for searching for mature dating buddies. Acquaint with are numerous websites everyplace you can sign up and make online friends. Event join these sites for the on its own consumption of dating and you can get numerous choices too. Registration in these sites is easy and you can see the profiles of numerous people who are certified to be your dates. You can chat with them and array if you like them enough to follow a stubborn relationship. But dating on the websites can be crucial as you discriminate vitality about the person on the remote side. You ply to wait what he says. As a result, you could do with standpoint self-confidence on the net until you are decisive that your mature dating partner is a good guy and not a con.Close to the Author
Chris Mickey is the person swallow the success of mature-years.co.uk. He believes that mature dating can cart real happiness to people who are deserted. According to him, mature dating can help people in the evening years of their life.
philosophy of love,
Thursday, 12 May 2011
0 The Playboy Model Who Used To Cut My Hair Opportunity Means Nothing Part 12
Recently, I've discussed the theme of "The Comfortable Life" and why most people won't ever be or accomplish jack shit.
I argue that the average person does not lack work ethic, opportunity or the adequate talent for significant success.
He simply leads a comfortable enough life that he will voluntarily forgo the pursuit of success in exchange for modern conveniences and distractions that prevent him from hitting rock bottom.
Basically - his life is too 'okay enough' to really want anything more.
Despite what he might say.
Rarely does he blame his comfortable life of mediocrity on himself, his lack of work ethic or his lack of talent.
He often feels his "misfortune" is from a lack of opportunity.
He feels the opportunity for major success is reserved for only a select few more blessed individuals.
It's not.
I'm going to tell you a story.
2 stories.
Some say that our real courage is defined by just a handful of pivotal moments in life.
Many times, but not always, these defining moments manifest when we are unprepared or simply not expecting.
In these moments, win or lose, we either react by rising to the challenge or shrinking away to cowardice.
Our reaction, not necessarily the final outcome, is who we really are.
Although these defining moments are few and far between, some of them largely insignificant to all but morale and psyche, these defining moments quietly indelibly stick in our subconscious.
Proud we are of the moments when we display courage.
But embarrassed we are of the moments we didn't, pretending we are optimistic for a chance at redemption to undo the lasting disgrace. Well aware these moments will probably never come.
Although I'm hardly introspective anymore (a colossal form of procrastination, in many cases), I remember 2 defining moments quite clearly.
Both of these experiences really showed me how I really felt about myself and just where my 'Sense of Entitlement' (confidence) really was.
I still haven't forgotten.
I lived next to Mission Valley Mall in San Diego.
The place was beautiful, the weather was perfect, the people were gorgeous.
Near paradise.
I was in great shape, possibly the best looking I have ever been, as optimistic about my future as I had been in years.
Law School orientation was in 6 days.
I need a haircut.
I nonchalantly walked into the hair salon (yes, hair salon - not barber shop) to see if I could get a hair cut without an appointment.
I was greeted with a warm genuine smile from one of the beautiful human beings I have ever seen.
Her name was Melissa Riso.
Even in 2007, still about 2 years from the beginning of my prime with women, I still had a pretty high 'tolerance to beauty'. Even then, I fully understood how most attractive women are just one big illusion.
She told me to hop in the chair.
I couldn't get over this girl.
This girl had the type of beauty that I felt was still off limits to me.
The type of beauty that makes you rethink every hot girl you've been with and what you are truly on this planet for.
The type of beauty that even a strong man may consider readjusting his entire life for.
The type of beauty that ~100% of people think requires a special opportunity to even see.
And I couldn't believe mine eyes.
Melissa's perfect face and body were quite intimidating to me.
But things got even more scary.
Something that threw me for a real loop!
Though it was possibly just a normal stylist-customer relationship, nothing that you could definitively say was "flirting", we seemed to get along well.
She told me how her big dream was to move to Los Angeles and be an actress.
I told her my heart was Los Angeles too, especially since I had the proverbial 'green light' to move there from the celebrity I met the summer prior.
Her upbeat, authentic personality suggested to me that I actually had a chance with her if I could muster the courage to let her know that I was interested.
It was a scary proposition!
One that in 2007 - I just wasn't ready for.
As I sat there chatting with her, looking for every reason possibly to disqualify her so I would have an excuse to avoid asking her out, I realized that there was absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Both of us were in a bit of a rush (she had another appointment in 20 minutes and I had to get over the University of San Diego to get my parking permit before the office closed).
I vowed to get her number "next time".
A convenient excuse to justify not trying.
Something that I was well aware of since it happened so many times prior.
I left the hair salon.
But later that day, I couldn't stop thinking about her.
But not just her, the fact that I blatantly pussied out and I knew it.
I considered going back into the salon later that day, but didn't think I could do so smoothly.
I considered going back to the mall and "accidentally" running into her, but that seemed to be even more creepy.
The better idea was to do nothing and perfectly orchestrate a future opportunity.
She gave me her card (which had her personal cell phone number) and I vowed to ask her out next time I came in for a haircut.
The opportunity would be perfect then and I would capitalize.
That was the opportunity I needed and it was well in my grasp!
The following month, although I hardly need a hair cut, I purposely made an appointment with her.
She had moved to a different hair salon and was happy that I was making an appointment.
I was excited and went to see her.
Everything was identical to before, she greeted me with a smiling face and we talked and talked while she cut my hair.
This time we discussed much deeper stuff.
She told me she was going to move to Los Angeles to chase her dreams and that she wanted to be a star.
I too had decided that Law School wasn't for me (duh) and I was moving to the City of Angels (Los Angeles) to do my thing.
We talked about it for 45+ minutes, genuinely excited for what lay ahead and our potential to get everything we ever wanted in this world.
It was going so well.
When the appointment ended,
I said to her...
"I'll see you later. "
"I'm gonna to come back one more time before I move."
And That was it.
I was immediately furious at myself when I left.
I just didn't have it in me.
Hungry for redemption after two massive failures, in late November I booked another appointment.
This time I was going to make things right.
Or at least - better.
I decided that even if we didn't meet up in San Diego (I was leaving in 2 weeks) that I'd ask her to "stay in touch" and maybe we would meet up in Los Angeles the following year.
You know, as friends, or whatever.
It was a safer bet than asking out this future star.
Sure enough, as the same exact dynamic repeated itself for the 3rd time.
I did absolutely nothing.
Eerily, this time I wasn't as upset when I left the salon though.
I knew I was a total pussy.
I knew that I just didn't have it in me.
I knew that I had major changes to make if I was ever going to be even remotely successful with this caliber of girl.
The plan was to move to Los Angeles for the opportunity to hopefully make those changes.
But I sure had a long way to go.
I had the opportunity to ask Melissa out.
Not just 3 times, but a million times.
I couldn't even pretend that I didn't!
We had plenty in common, we [seemed to] genuinely enjoy talking and although only officially on a client/professional basis - I had her number.
I even knew that Melissa, even if she wasn't interested or available, would have let me down lightly and probably made sure that my feelings didn't get hurt.
Still, I couldn't reach down deep inside and be a man.
The opportunity meant absolutely nothing.
I was beyond unprepared and I knew it.
About 6 or 8 months ago her face crossed my Facebook newsfeed.
She had made it, she was doing it big.
She is a rising star.
I was thrilled for her.
But seeing her pretty face instantly took me back to my brief 5 months when I lived in San Diego.
I learned exactly who I was in 2007.
Although I couldn't be further far from the timid Good Looking Loser that wasn't even willing to TRY and capitalize with her (and so many others) in late 2007 - I remember so deeply how big of a a pussy I was.
The scar may fade, but will always be.
It would be ~2 more years until displayed anything close to social courage, but I won't forget how pathetic and helpless I felt sitting in that chair when I was handed multiple perfect opportunities and couldn't even try.
My successful life of denial, a masculine exterior disguising a quiet loneliness and lack of authentic confidence, had caught up to me.
I remember how sobering meeting Melissa was.
Melissa, if you read this: Congratulations on your success. I'm not surprised one bit.
Related -
* "Success Principle #9: Not Trying Will Be Your Biggest Regret"
Continued -
* "Dinar, the Israeli Bombshell, A Reversal of Fortunes - Opportunity Means Nothing (Part 2/2)"
Reference: pickup-techniques.blogspot.com
Recently, I've discussed the theme of "The Comfortable Life" and why most people won't ever be or accomplish jack shit.
I argue that the average person does not lack work ethic, opportunity or the adequate talent for significant success.
He simply leads a comfortable enough life that he will voluntarily forgo the pursuit of success in exchange for modern conveniences and distractions that prevent him from hitting rock bottom.
Basically - his life is too 'okay enough' to really want anything more.
Despite what he might say.
Rarely does he blame his comfortable life of mediocrity on himself, his lack of work ethic or his lack of talent.
He often feels his "misfortune" is from a lack of opportunity.
He feels the opportunity for major success is reserved for only a select few more blessed individuals.
It's not.
I'm going to tell you a story.
2 stories.
Some say that our real courage is defined by just a handful of pivotal moments in life.
Many times, but not always, these defining moments manifest when we are unprepared or simply not expecting.
In these moments, win or lose, we either react by rising to the challenge or shrinking away to cowardice.
Our reaction, not necessarily the final outcome, is who we really are.
Although these defining moments are few and far between, some of them largely insignificant to all but morale and psyche, these defining moments quietly indelibly stick in our subconscious.
Proud we are of the moments when we display courage.
But embarrassed we are of the moments we didn't, pretending we are optimistic for a chance at redemption to undo the lasting disgrace. Well aware these moments will probably never come.
Although I'm hardly introspective anymore (a colossal form of procrastination, in many cases), I remember 2 defining moments quite clearly.
Both of these experiences really showed me how I really felt about myself and just where my 'Sense of Entitlement' (confidence) really was.
I still haven't forgotten.
I lived next to Mission Valley Mall in San Diego.
The place was beautiful, the weather was perfect, the people were gorgeous.
Near paradise.
I was in great shape, possibly the best looking I have ever been, as optimistic about my future as I had been in years.
Law School orientation was in 6 days.
I need a haircut.
I nonchalantly walked into the hair salon (yes, hair salon - not barber shop) to see if I could get a hair cut without an appointment.
I was greeted with a warm genuine smile from one of the beautiful human beings I have ever seen.
Her name was Melissa Riso.
Even in 2007, still about 2 years from the beginning of my prime with women, I still had a pretty high 'tolerance to beauty'. Even then, I fully understood how most attractive women are just one big illusion.
She told me to hop in the chair.
I couldn't get over this girl.
This girl had the type of beauty that I felt was still off limits to me.
The type of beauty that makes you rethink every hot girl you've been with and what you are truly on this planet for.
The type of beauty that even a strong man may consider readjusting his entire life for.
The type of beauty that ~100% of people think requires a special opportunity to even see.
And I couldn't believe mine eyes.
Melissa's perfect face and body were quite intimidating to me.
But things got even more scary.
Something that threw me for a real loop!
Though it was possibly just a normal stylist-customer relationship, nothing that you could definitively say was "flirting", we seemed to get along well.
She told me how her big dream was to move to Los Angeles and be an actress.
I told her my heart was Los Angeles too, especially since I had the proverbial 'green light' to move there from the celebrity I met the summer prior.
Her upbeat, authentic personality suggested to me that I actually had a chance with her if I could muster the courage to let her know that I was interested.
It was a scary proposition!
One that in 2007 - I just wasn't ready for.
As I sat there chatting with her, looking for every reason possibly to disqualify her so I would have an excuse to avoid asking her out, I realized that there was absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Both of us were in a bit of a rush (she had another appointment in 20 minutes and I had to get over the University of San Diego to get my parking permit before the office closed).
I vowed to get her number "next time".
A convenient excuse to justify not trying.
Something that I was well aware of since it happened so many times prior.
I left the hair salon.
But later that day, I couldn't stop thinking about her.
But not just her, the fact that I blatantly pussied out and I knew it.
I considered going back into the salon later that day, but didn't think I could do so smoothly.
I considered going back to the mall and "accidentally" running into her, but that seemed to be even more creepy.
The better idea was to do nothing and perfectly orchestrate a future opportunity.
She gave me her card (which had her personal cell phone number) and I vowed to ask her out next time I came in for a haircut.
The opportunity would be perfect then and I would capitalize.
That was the opportunity I needed and it was well in my grasp!
The following month, although I hardly need a hair cut, I purposely made an appointment with her.
She had moved to a different hair salon and was happy that I was making an appointment.
I was excited and went to see her.
Everything was identical to before, she greeted me with a smiling face and we talked and talked while she cut my hair.
This time we discussed much deeper stuff.
She told me she was going to move to Los Angeles to chase her dreams and that she wanted to be a star.
I too had decided that Law School wasn't for me (duh) and I was moving to the City of Angels (Los Angeles) to do my thing.
We talked about it for 45+ minutes, genuinely excited for what lay ahead and our potential to get everything we ever wanted in this world.
It was going so well.
When the appointment ended,
I said to her...
Really confidently -
"I'll see you later. "
"I'm gonna to come back one more time before I move."
And That was it.
I was immediately furious at myself when I left.
I just didn't have it in me.
Hungry for redemption after two massive failures, in late November I booked another appointment.
This time I was going to make things right.
Or at least - better.
I decided that even if we didn't meet up in San Diego (I was leaving in 2 weeks) that I'd ask her to "stay in touch" and maybe we would meet up in Los Angeles the following year.
You know, as friends, or whatever.
It was a safer bet than asking out this future star.
Sure enough, as the same exact dynamic repeated itself for the 3rd time.
I did absolutely nothing.
Eerily, this time I wasn't as upset when I left the salon though.
I knew I was a total pussy.
I knew that I just didn't have it in me.
I knew that I had major changes to make if I was ever going to be even remotely successful with this caliber of girl.
The plan was to move to Los Angeles for the opportunity to hopefully make those changes.
But I sure had a long way to go.
I had the opportunity to ask Melissa out.
Not just 3 times, but a million times.
I couldn't even pretend that I didn't!
We had plenty in common, we [seemed to] genuinely enjoy talking and although only officially on a client/professional basis - I had her number.
I even knew that Melissa, even if she wasn't interested or available, would have let me down lightly and probably made sure that my feelings didn't get hurt.
Still, I couldn't reach down deep inside and be a man.
The opportunity meant absolutely nothing.
I was beyond unprepared and I knew it.
About 6 or 8 months ago her face crossed my Facebook newsfeed.
She had made it, she was doing it big.
She is a rising star.
I was thrilled for her.
But seeing her pretty face instantly took me back to my brief 5 months when I lived in San Diego.
I learned exactly who I was in 2007.
Although I couldn't be further far from the timid Good Looking Loser that wasn't even willing to TRY and capitalize with her (and so many others) in late 2007 - I remember so deeply how big of a a pussy I was.
The scar may fade, but will always be.
It would be ~2 more years until displayed anything close to social courage, but I won't forget how pathetic and helpless I felt sitting in that chair when I was handed multiple perfect opportunities and couldn't even try.
My successful life of denial, a masculine exterior disguising a quiet loneliness and lack of authentic confidence, had caught up to me.
I remember how sobering meeting Melissa was.
Melissa, if you read this: Congratulations on your success. I'm not surprised one bit.
Related -
* "Success Principle #9: Not Trying Will Be Your Biggest Regret"
Continued -
* "Dinar, the Israeli Bombshell, A Reversal of Fortunes - Opportunity Means Nothing (Part 2/2)"
Reference: pickup-techniques.blogspot.com
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