There is a difference in perception there, but I think it's mostly because a man is more likely to move from flirting to cheating.Why is it ok for a wife to flirt with young men but when we flirt with young women you have a problem?
Who said it's ok its not ok flirting with anyone when you are married age,sex of the person its wrong and there is no reason for it to be justified sit down and approuch your wife with this because dude by far its not right and I am a women telling you this My fiancee doesnt flirt with other women and I do not flirt with guys due to it being wrong if you are with somone what need or right do they think they have to be flirting with somone else younger or older so talk to her find out whats going on but dont go in the conversation upset be calm about it other wise it might lead to a argument..but just ask whats going on she may not know she is doing it and if she does and still keeps doing you then there is a problem that needs to be fixed..hang in there...
good luck
Both are problems. Those type of people need some serious help. All you should do is notice what this means and how you can fix it without completely changing yourself. She wouldn't do it if she didn't want to make you jealous and she wasn't so insecure.
Women flirt to feel better about themselves. Men flirt to get laid.
Perhaps your choice of mates is the problem. I dont feel it's ok for either mate to be flirting with others, regardless of age of either partner.
who said it's ok?
uh, who said it's ok? cus it's NOT. duh. if ur married, the only person u should b flirting with is ur spouse.
Well it is not okay either way.
Why not tell wife #2 that you don't like it or do it out of respect for her and you expect the same.
I agree. Not ok.
Joe! I almost said that but I thought I would get reported again!
Then they are childish. I hate double standards. They are my pet peeves. I personally don't think the husband OR wife should flirt. Some couples don't mind though I guess. but yeah, the double standard is wrong. Maybe she is just talking nicely and you are perceiving it wrong. Is your blatant flirting and hers not or something? dunno.
Well, try telling your next wife before you get married that flirting with other men isn't ok.
Now I don't know if this is true for everyone, but I believe that the reason my marriage has been a success is because I don't participate in flirting. For me, flirting is an expression of a feeling that is underlying. If I am having that feeling, it usually means that something in me believes it is okay to stray away from my husband. Whether it's problems at home, or feeling neglected, that flirting will only further the damage between us and possibly cause a divorce. I'm not interested in flirting. I hope my husband doesn't either. I totally respect him in every way that I can. So I guess to answer your question, there are affairs that occur that are not purely physical, there are emotional affairs.. if prolonged for a period of time, they may end up being physical. I would discuss your feelings with your wife. (which you probably have) and if she is unreceptive to your line of thought (which is completely understandable so don't let her fool you into believing that her behaviour is okay), then perhaps you guys may need to seek counceling so that she can get down to the bottom of WHY she chooses to live this way, constantly putting you in fear and bitterness because at any given moment, you can't trust her. I couldn't live like that.
If she doesn't want to change, then I'd ask myself if I even WANTED to be in a relationship where respect was completely absent.
I'm rooting for you big time.
because that is as far as women take it. men want the flirting to go further
It's not ok for ANY married person to flirt with other people.
Ummm...that is what you would call a double standard. Get out it will never work if you don't trust eachother. She shouldn't be able to flirt with anyone period %26amp; neither should you. Obviously you two can't speak with the other sex without getting jealous(even if it is only over younger people) There will always be some way that person can cheat %26amp; you will always wonder. Move on. You only have one life to live! Hope this helps. Vote for best answer!
same reason why its ok for men to sleep around but it is not ok for women...
because men are hound dogs wife's claim they will not act on it we will.
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